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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-17 14:18:34 | 只看该作者
元旦 new year' s day    jan.1
国际劳动妇女节international working women' s day
(women's day)       mar.8
国际劳动节international labor day
(may. day)              may.1
中国青年节 chinese youth day may.4

国际儿童节international children's day(children's day)   june .1
中国共产党诞生纪念日 (党的生日) anniversary of the founding of the chinese communist party
(the party' s birthday)   july .1
建军节 army day        august .1
教师节teachers’ day     sept.1

国庆节national day      october.1

春节  the spring festival (new year’s day of the chinese lunar calendar) 农历正月初一
元宵节 (灯节)the lantern festival 农历正月十五
清明节the qingming festival四月五日前后
端午节the dragon-boat festival农历五月初五
中秋节the mid-autumn festival (the moon festival)农历八月十五
重阳节the double-ninth day农历九月初九

情人节 the double-seventh day农历七月初七
 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-17 14:19:17 | 只看该作者
西方节源:Martin Luther King Jr. Day Word Origins

dream is from the old english word dream meaning "noise, music" or "joy, mirth." the catch-phrase american dream came into use in 1931 ("if the american dream is to come true and to abide with us, it will, at bottom, depend on the people themselves." – james truslow adams) and described the american ideal of social equality and economic prosperity.

freedom and free are from old english freo, related, significantly, to sanskrit priya, "dear," which was the primary original sense of free as an adjective. therefore, it meant "belonging to one's family or clan, not being a slave." freedom as "personal liberty" was first used in old english freodom. in the united states, our freedoms are protected by the amendments to the constitution.

civil rights in the united states specifically addresses the rights of black people as citizens. the term was first used in this way in 1874. civil derives from latin civis, "citizen," which passed into english via civilis, "of or pertaining to citizens." civil law is that which regulates the private rights and duties of the inhabitants of a city or state.

race was originally used to denote a group with common features, a group connected by common descent or origin. the word is derived from italian razza.

etymologically, an assassin is an "eater or smoker of hashish," from arabic hasisi. during the crusades, there was a sect of muslim fanatics who, under the influence of hashish, killed christians and other enemies. in arabic, they were called hashshashin, "hashish eaters." in english, this plural form was perceived as singular assassin, "one who kills a public figure for political or religious rather than personal motives." the verb assassinate is from the medieval latin verb assassinare, "to kill."
 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-17 14:19:49 | 只看该作者
西方节源:Super Bowl Word Origins

bowl as in super bowl derives from the eating vessel bowl. its first sports meaning was "football stadium," though such a stadium is no longer necessarily bowl-shaped. the yale bowl is an example of a football stadium so named. as a sporting event, it first referred to the rose bowl (1923) and, later, the super bowl.

coach first referred to a cart or carriage and came to mean "a private tutor" in british universities around 1848. the sense of "an athletic trainer" (especially for a boat race) was first recorded in 1885.

the origin of football goes way back as an open-air game between two teams using an inflated ball. mainly the ball was kicked, thereby football. a football game was played in china as early as 206 bc, and by 500 ad round footballs stuffed with hair were in use. in ancient greece, a game with elements of football — episkuros or harpaston — was played. it migrated to rome as harpastum by the 2nd century bc. football has been associated with violence ever since 13th century england. the original form of the game, most often played on shrove tuesdays and other holy days, involved battles between neighboring villages and towns.

a quarterback is so named because originally the player was positioned between the forwards (now the offensive line) and the halfbacks. the term was first recorded in print in 1895 according to the oed.

referee originally referred to a person appointed by the british parliament to examine patent applications (1621) and was formed from english refer and -ee. the sense of "an arbitrator or person to whom a dispute is referred" was first recorded in 1690; by 1840 the word acquired the further sense of "the judge of play in games and sports."free software! get instant dictionary, thesaurus, and encyclopedia access from most mac and windows programs.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-17 14:20:18 | 只看该作者
西方节源:Valentine’s Day Word Origins

cupid, in roman mythology, is the god of love. he was said to be the son of mercury and venus. (cupid's greek counterpart is eros.) in latin, the name was cupidines, a personification of cupido, "desire, love" (from cupere, "to desire or long for").

heart can be traced back from old english (c 725) and has cognates in old frisian, old saxon, middle dutch, old high german, old icelandic, danish, norwegian, and gothic back to proto-germanic. the spelling was herte until about 1500 when it was spelled heart by analogy of pronunciation with heat, stream, etc. the indo-european root is shared with latin cor, cord- and greek ker, kardia. as the seat of feeling and intellect, heart has been used since around 825.

a valentine as a sweetheart, lover, or special friend was first written about c 1450. originally, it meant such a person chosen, drawn by lot, or otherwise determined for the upcoming year. valentine as a card (c 1553) was at first a folded paper inscribed with the name of the person chosen or drawn as a valentine. by 1610, the word also referred to a gift given to the special person. the use of the word to mean "a written or printed letter or card with decoration, verse, etc. of an amorous nature" sent or given on st. valentine's day began around 1824. the word can be written with an initial capital or without.

the oldest known valentine still in existence today was a poem written by charles, duke of orleans to his wife while he was imprisoned in the tower of london following his capture at the battle of agincourt. the greeting, written in 1415, is part of the manuscript collection of the british library in london, england.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-17 14:20:48 | 只看该作者
西方节源:Presidents’ Day Word Origins

presidents’ day is celebrated in the united states on the third monday in february and it originally honored george washington and abraham lincoln, whose birthdays were february 22nd and 12th, respectively. the holiday came about because of the so-called monday holiday law of 1968, which became effective in 1971 and moved a number of federal holidays to mondays so that workers had a number of long weekends throughout the year. the day now celebrates all u.s. presidents. the phrase presidents' day came into existence in 1952.

around 1375, the word president came into english to describe the appointed or elected head of a province, colony, division of a country, city, or other body of persons. the term evolved in use and was applied in religion, in education, etc. before its first use for the officer holding executive power in a modern republic, starting in the united states in 1774. in 1789, the constitution of the u.s. stated, "the executive power shall be vested in a president of the united states of america. he shall hold his office during the term of four years." the word president came through french from latin praesidere 'to preside.'

emancipate means "to free from legal, political, social control or restraint by others" and "to free from bondage." the word's latin elements are manus 'hand' and capere 'to take' and first meant "to release or set free." u.s. president abraham lincoln's most famous act was the emancipation proclamation, the edict he issued on january 1, 1863, that freed the slaves of the confederate states which had rebelled against the union.

the word assassin has one of the most interesting etymologies. in a nutshell, assassin derives from an arabian word meaning "hashish user." some religious fanatics (shia muslims) during the time of the crusades (13th century) ate hashish to intoxicate themselves before going out to murder christian leaders. the word came to mean "one who commits murder, especially one who murders a political leader."

patriot is from latin patriota "fellow countryman" (from earlier greek pater "father") and this was its original meaning when it came into english in the late 1500s. soon thereafter, it described a person who is willing to sacrifice his or her well-being for that of his or her country. it also means, "one who loves and defends a country's freedom or interests."

a country or nation is an independent state, often one having a common language, culture, history, and set of institutions, especially political. nation and country. both words came into english c 1330. these words tend to be used interchangeably. some may argue that country describes a self-governing political entity while nation means a tightly-knit group of people which share a common culture. country comes from latin contrata (terra) "the landscape in front of one, the landscape lying opposite to the view." nation is from latin nation-/natio "race, class of person. the word national did not appear until the late 16th century.
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